Tuesday, June 29, 2010

My blogging experience :)

Hi everybody!Today is my last day writing bloggs and guees that? I have to write about my blogging experience.

Every Tuesday, I had to come to the computer room of at "Campus West in Quinta Normal" to make a new blog for my english class, each day about a different topic.

I have to say that I didn't really like it that much because is hard to have creativity in your mind. But the experience that I lived here, all the weekends, writing and writing and writing was very lovely. I liked to be here with my classmates and Miss Claudia, because the ambience was friendly, warm and so funny too. Also, the bloggs help me a lot improving my english. I learnt many words and concepts that I didn't know before and not just here on Tuesday, in classes on Thursday too.

In my opinion, it's very original and helpful the use of the bloggs to learnt the different languages, because you are writing all the time and improving your vocabulary, grammar and your redaction. Also is very important the use of technology because it's much fast and if you don't like what you wrote, you just have to click a button and in one second the text is deleted.

My favorite posts were "free post" because in these I told about the topics that are important in my life and that I love. Also on those topics I feel that I can know the experiences of my classmates and a bit of their lives too.

In general, I spend a great moment here, my experience with the blog was sometimes good sometimes not good, but I liked because was very funny and relaxed. I feel that I learned more English and I like it.

Well, this is all and see you soon because the next semester I'll continue writing in my blog.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

sex and the city ♥

Today I'm very happy because I'll write another free post! This time, I'll talk about "sex and the city", an American TV series based on the book which has the same name. This is my favourite series and I love it.

Sex and the city was broadcast from 1998 until 2004, for a total of ninety-four episodes. This series is set in New York and the story is about the lives and loves of four women who are very good friends.

The lead character is Carrie Bradshaw. She is a single woman who works by writing a weekly column for the newspaper "The New York Star". Carrie writes about love and sex, based on his experience and that of her three friends: Charlotte, Miranda and Samantha. Carrie suffers a lot for love because she is in love with the wrong man. He is "Mr. Big" and he makes many mistakes in his relationship with Carrie.

In this story, over the years, Carrie wrote a book based in all her column and she becomes very famous and she travels to Paris. At the end of story she believes finding love on the side of a Russian man, but she realizes it will not be happy with him. Then appears Mr. Big in Paris and he tells Carrie that he loves her. This is the end of the series.

In the year 2008 was released in the world "Sex and the city the movie" and this year. was released "Sex and the city 2". In both films continue the stories of these four friends love, drama, laughs, cries, lies and love breaks.

This is my favorite series because I think that are very real the topics discussed in it. The love failure, the dream of the perfect man, ideal love and friendship above all things are issues with which we will face sometimes in life.

It is a beatiful series, I recommend it.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

My passion for the pets.

Hi! This time, I can to write a free topic. I'll talk about "the pets" because I love them.

When I had five years, my mom brought home my first pet, a beautiful female cat. My brothers and I were very happy with it. We decided to call Telma. She was very playful and affectionate. But, one day Telma ill and she died shortly after. My brother and I were very sad for a long time because both share our love of pets.

Time after, my mom brought home other cat, she was Rosita and she was beautiful. Rosita was like a daughter to me. We slept together and she gave me love every time I was sad.

Months after my mom brought another cat more, and with my brothers named Osa because her face and her ears were round like a bear. Osita had lived on the street and she suffered a lot there because there are very bad people who do not like pets and they mistreat to the pets.

After Elizabeth arrived home, she was a cat that lived in mom's work. Elizabeth was an old cat and she was sick.

In January this year, after eleven years of age died Rosita. When I remember this I'm very sorry because Rosita was like my daughter and she went to heaven I do not see her again. Also this year, Elizabeth died.

I feel that pets are the same people because they have feeling too. I feel sorry for the many abandoned dogs and cats on the streets and I think that they suffer for this.

I hope that some day the Chilean society change your thoughts and they don't leave pets in the streets, but I know that this is not easy because the people must change their culture.

In the future with my brother want to have a foundation for abandoned pets and find a home for them.


Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Education in the health!

Dear all, this time I'm going to tall about "education in health". The midwife has an important role in the education of the individuals, families and community because the midwives are a health professional and as such should always take care the health of people. But, why? how? And when educate?.

Education is achieved through the prevention and promotion. These are made in order to maintain optimum health in the population. The health education, includes opportunities to improve the knowledge and the importance of this process is that people understand the benefits of good health.

The midwives educate about the general health, but mainly about sexuality and reproductive health because these topics are their speciality.

The sexually transmitted diseases are a health problem around the world. For this reason is important that the midwife promote the use of condom to prevent diseases. Also, the promotion of a single sexual partner helps to prevent these infections. The education about the risk factors of the sexually transmitted diseases and its consequences through talks or visual material helps too.

In the families, a midwife can promote family planning, this can prevent unwanted pregnancies. For this is relevant the promotion of methods of birth control. In the community, the education conducted in health centres is very important for prevent diseases. A midwife should always promote a healthy lifestyle through a healthy diet and the practice of physical activity because these prevent chronic diseases such as diabetes and hypertension.

The midwives can promote, prevent and educate to the population, but change only depends on them.

Well, bye!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

In my point of view ...

Hello! Today I'll talk my point of view about gender problems in my career. Midwifery is a career in which mostly women study. For this reason, is strange when a man studies Midwifery. But, in my opinion I feel that Chilean Society don't react differently when a man says he studies Midwifery because this is not relevant. The gender is not important, is important the quality of the professional.

I think that a man midwife has a better chance of finding a job in the future because the amount of professional men is lower than women, and this is a benefit for the men. But, I feel that a woman midwife understands women better than a men midwife because the women are more sensitive, understandable and friendly, and this is a drawback for a man midwife.

I think that in Nursery there is gender issues because this career has few men students too. But I feel that's not a big problem for the people.

In my point of view there aren't prejudices about men working as midwives. I feel that the men are those who have prejudices about " man as midwife" because they believe that this career is very feminine. I feel that this thought is a problem of a global education.

Well, this is my opinion.
Bye, bye!