Wednesday, May 26, 2010

In my future...

Hi everybody! This time I'm going to tell about my future as Midwife.

When I finished my career, I wish to study "Neonatology", a speciality of the Obstetrics, which takes care of the newborn. I like Neonatology because I love the babies and in this speciality I can give the first aid to the newborn in the delivery.

This year, I'm participating as assintant of the Anatomy Program in my University because when I had this subject in the last year, I liked so much it. I love to know all the names of the human body. For this reason, in the future I want to become a Anatomy's Teacher. Then, I want to travel other countries like Australian, Germany or France to improve my studies.

As Midwife, I would like to work in the Neonatal Unit of a Hospital and besides I would want to work in the University of Chile as a Anatomy's Teacher.

I think that with my studies I'll constribute to the healthcare of mother and babies. My objective will be to promote the Attachment both in pregnancy like at delivery because it helps to the development of the newborn.

Now, I'm in my second year of Midwifery. If I pass all my subject I'll finish in three years and I'll be a Midwife!

bye, bye!

1 comment:

  1. I like the Neonatology too, we always think same!
    see you friend!
    Hugs :)
